Making up stories. Telling the truth.

2019 Year In Books




As you can tell by the average star rating (4.9) I enjoyed these books practically to death. I thought about making a top ten list, but that soon turned into a top 20, and then a top 40… You get it.

So here are my favorite books from this year. Which ended up being the ones I read. These very varied and eclectic pieces that now make up part of my makeup.

I’m so grateful for the work these authors put into writing these books. Books that entertained and challenged and threatened and made me laugh and made me think and caused me to seek.

The wonder I felt in the pages of a steampunk circus in The Electrical Menagerie. The sense I had of being seen, being cherished by Jesus, reading the carefully researched and brilliantly communicated truths in Unexpected Love. The impulsive jaunt down Nostalgia Lane when I re-read My Life As an Afterthought Astronaut. Comfort from the Comforter as I read Seek in the wake of Jennifer’s passing, her own words a blessing and a balm for the shock and grief of losing her here. Grinning along with the boys in A.C. Williams’ Stan Hawthorne & the Broken Sword and the girls in Ruth Buchanan’s Collapsible trilogy. A glimmer of understanding and affection for poetry The Art of the Almost Said planted in my low-art, occasionally metaphor-averse spirit.

I could give a little testimonial for every title here.

So thank you, authors, for feeding my soul with these glimpses into yours. I’m grateful to your Maker for gifting you and equipping you and calling you to write. Y’all make a difference for a living—writing your questions and very occasionally your answers—and I know some days it does not feel like it. But WOW. This reading year was a pleasure.

Stoked for 2020!

Kaley RheaComment